Health Benefits Of Trekking

 Top-10 Health Benefits Of Trekking

Trekking is the best form of exercise. It keeps you free from any kind of physical and mental health problems. Trekking is the best way to discover  your endurance and your capabilities. It leads to a healthier and happier life. One should always trek at least once or twice in a year. It renews your soul. In order to live a healthier life,trekking is the best option. 

Health Benefits Of Trekking

Benefits Of Trekking 

1. Improves Health 

Trekking helps in improving the overall health of the body. Being inactive and less to exercise leads to certain types of body problems including joints pain, breathing problems, heart diseases and many more. Therefore, trekking is necessary as it keeps your body active, it gives strength to your joints and muscular system. According to some reports trekkers tends to live a longer life than normal person. 

Health Benefits Of Trekking

2. Increases Energy Levels

Trekking gradually increases your energy level with time. It alerts the body to produce more cell , thus having more numbers of mitochondria. As many of us not familiar with mitochondria. Let me tell you that "mitochondria" is known as the powerhouse of cell. Thus, trekking alerts the cell to produce more quality mitochondria thus increasing the body energy level. 

Health Benefits Of Trekking

3. Increase Heart and Lung Capacity 

Trekking helps in improving the lung and heart capacity. It helps in reducing the chances of circulatory and respiratory diseases. The more you breathe the fresh air, the more active your lungs become. Trekking leads to a faster heart beat , thus leading to a good blood flow level throughout the body. Trekking also maintains the normal blood pressure level and balance the cholesterol level as well. 

Health Benefits Of Trekking

4. Improves Blood-Sugar Levels

Trekking helps to reduce the excess sugar in the blood. It helps the body to fight against diabetes. Trekking is a form of exercise , therefore muscles are intensely working during trekking and they need energy for working therefore the body uses the blood sugar as a fuel. Thus maintaining the normal blood glucose level. Trekking is also good for patients with diabetes type II. 

Health benefits of trekking

5. Eliminate Insomnia 

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder.Trekking should be your regular activity as it helps in fighting the sleeping disorder. Instead of taking sleeping pills it's good to go for a trek.Trekking will help you sleep faster . This also reduces the stress, which is the main cause of insomnia. Trekking helps in increasing the melatonin levels in your body thereby promoting the sleep.

Health benefits of trekking


6. Burns Calories 

A person burns more calories when trekking. Even a small incline during the trek, boosts calories burn by about 25-30%. The bagpack load also helps in boost up the calories by about 35-40% depending upon the weight of bagpack. A person can also try adding some squats and pushups when free at the basecamps. 

Health benefits of trekking

7. Makes you Happy

Trekking is an excellent mood booster it improves your mood swings. It helps us to escape all the worries, mental complexities and other health related issues.Trekking helps the brain to release a hormone called 'serotonin' - also known as "a feel happy harmone", thus keeping your brain and body healthy.  These hormone acts as a pain reliever and happiness bosster thus leading to a happy life. 

Health benefits of trekking

8. Makes you strong

Trekking is all a game of physical and mental fitness. It helps in building up the strong muscular and skeletal system. It improves the metabolic rates of the body. Trekking over uneven surfaces and rocky trails helps in building up the leg muscles. It helps in training up our triceps,quadriceps, glutes , muscles and bones to a great extent.

Health benefits of trekking

9. Stronger Bonds

Trekking with friends and clients from other parts of the country helps in building up the great relationships. Trekking with clients allow us to create strong bonds and memories that lasts forever. These bonds can results in mutual profits too. It helps in building up your personality. More knowledge is exchanged when hiking with friends and clients. You learn more about things that you're not aware of. You learn more about other's way of living, their religion and many more things. 

Health benefits of trekking

10. Detach from technology

We are more into phones than any other outdoor activities. We are living in a zone of radiations that affects our body very badly. We are becoming social media zombies. Therefore trekking is the best option to detach oneself from just being into mobiles phones and computers. Nature works as a therapy for us. Trekking is the best option to take advantage of this therapy. 

Health benefits of trekking

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Importance Of Trekking

Trekking is the best way to discover your capabilities.



Trekker & Blogger



The purpose of trekking is to be happy,explore the world ,free from any mental stress and enjoy the advantage of mother nature

It may results in leg cramps which can be very painful, no mobiles connectivity in some areas, weather problems,no home like facilities

Hiking is as simple as a "Walk".It can be short in duration. But trekking is bit more challenging and requires physical and mental fitness. i

Trekking is full of adventures and challenges. Trekking is good for those who wants to measure their potential.Trekking is an adrenaline rush for adventure lovers.

Never go off the trail. Always be aware of your surroundings.Never dispose the litter in an open space.Must avoid alcoholic beverages.Avoid loud music while trekking.


Iam Rohit Panwar from Uttarakhand. Iam a freelancer and a trekker . Mail :

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