Kyarkoti Lake Trek | Harsil Valley | Uttarkashi


     Kyarkoti is a beautiful, hidden gem situated in the lap of himalayas. It is located at an altitude of 3480m and at a distance of 16 km from Harshil  Valley. 

Kyarkoti trek

How to reach Kyarkoti

     Dehradun - Uttarkashi - Harshil - Kyarkoti 

  • From dehradun, you can reach uttarkashi either by bus or taxi which usually takes 4-5 hours. 

  • There is no bus service from uttarkashi to harsil, so one has to come by taxi which takes 3 hours. 

  •  Kyarkoti is a two day trek, on the first day, one has to stay at Gangnani, on the second day kyarkoti can be reached. 

    Fires & Bonfires

     There is no facility of firewood in kyarkoti, so    firewood has to be collected and brought from 1km in advance. 

   Location & Landscape 

  •     Kyarkoti Lake : a small lake situated at kyarkoti valley . It remains frozen during winters.

  •    360° Mountain View : kyarkoti is surrounded by snowcapped mountains from all sides.

  •    Lamkhanga Pass : trekker also go for lamkhanga pass through this valley. It is considered as one of the oldest trek route. 
   •   Bramhakamal : Bramhakamal is found in the hills of kyarkoti which is also a state flower of Uttarakhand. It is used as medicine. 

     ðŸ”‘   Key points of kyarkoti trek 
             • Duration : 4 days 

             • Altitude : 3480m

             • Temperature : 6°c-15°c (day) & 3°c-   6°c(night) 

             • Trek Level : Moderate 

             • Best time : May, August, September

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Iam Rohit Panwar from Uttarakhand. Iam a freelancer and a trekker . Mail :


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