Pilang - A Remote Village in Uttarkashi

 Pilang Village - A remote village in Bhatwari|Uttarkashi | Uttarakhand 

Quick Information : 

Village : Pilang 

Location : Bhatwari, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand

Elevation : 2500 feet 

Nearest Airport : Dehradun, Jolly grant 

Nearest Railway station : Rishikesh 

Nearest motorable road : Malla- Bhelatipri- Silla

Distance from Uttarkashi : 31 km (silla) , On foot from silla to pilang : 18 km

Tourism place : Sahastra Tal, Kush kalyan, Jhayya Top, Munyal Bugyal, Dayara Bugyal

Pilang village, pilang

Pilang is a beautiful village located at Uttarakshi district of Uttarakhand. This is a remote village in Bhatwari block of Uttarakshi. Pilang village is still untouched from the internet , electricity and motorable road facility. The education system and hospitality is also not good here. Students has to walk 18+18km forth and back for their high schools and intermediate. The rural life is quite hard here. 

How to reach Pilang Village ? 

1st route : Uttarkashi- Malla- Bhelatipri-Silla- Pilang 

2nd route : Uttarkashi- Malla- Pilang gaad powerhouse- Pilang

Pilang village, pilang

Pilang Village is located at a distance of 49 km from Uttarkashi district . The motorable road to Pilang village is still under construction. So one has to walk -on-foot from silla village. The distance between Uttarkashi and silla village is 31 km (via motorable road) and the distance between silla and pilang is 18 km (on foot), which together makes it a long 49km journey from Uttarkashi. Only 100 families resides here. 

Nearby attractions in Pilang Village : 

Raithal Village : This village serves as a basecamp for famous Dayara Bugyal trek. 

Sahastratal Trek : This trek is famous for its unique lakes. This is 38 km long trek. Silla or Pilang village serves as a base camp for this trek. 

Kush-kalyan : This trek is famous for it's beautiful meadows and panoramic view of snowcapped mountains. It is a 18 km trek from pilang village. Residents of the village uses this bugyal for cattle grazing in summers. 

Jhayya Top & Munyal Bugyal : These bugyals are famous for their amazing landscapes. People in Jhayya top stays in their chaani (huts) with their animals. Due to less connectivity, or no motorable road, these bugyals are just hidden gems in Pilang Village. 

Lifestyle of people of Pilang Village 

The lifestyle of people is very simple here. They are the pure heart soul. People of Pilang village are mostly dependent on farming and animal husbandry. Their farms are located at a distance of one -two kilometers from the village. Crops like Koda, Jhangora, Faafra, Potato, Chaulaai & Rajma are mostly  grown here. 

There is also the possibility of horticultural crops like Apples but due to lack of road connectivity, export of apples often a difficult task. 

The colleges and schools are 18 kms far away from the village. And the pedestrian path is also damaged at various places, which makes it difficult for the student . The only option they have is to stay on rent at villages(malla, bhelatipri, bhatwari, dang) nearest to colleges or schools. 

Residents of Pilang village used to stay in their Chaani ( hut made up of mud and stones) with their cattles. They sell milk and milk bi-products. Selling milk is often a difficult task for the people of Pilang village, as they have to carry it down to 18kms straight-on-foot to sell it in the market. Animal husbandary is practiced in large number here. Sometimes the milk and milk bi-product get wasted here. 

Rivers in Pilang Village 

Pilangana or Piland Gaad flows through Pilang village. Sahastratal is the main source of two rivers. The one "Pilangana" which flows downside to Pilang village and the other one is Bhilangana which flows towards Tehri. Sahastratal is a two days trek from Pilang village. 

Beauty and Difficulties runs parallel in Pilang Village 

Though this village is beautiful but less known to tourists. This village has beautiful meadows, lakes and immense trek routes but due to lack of internet, electricity and road connectivity, the beauty of this village is still a hidden gem. In order to buy essential food items like rice, pulses, salt, sugar, they have to walk 36 km forth and back. The trail is also damaged at various places. Landslides are common during the months of July-August. There is no hospital facility near Pilang village. One has to carry the patient on shoulder (18km on-foot) to provide the necessary medication at nearest hospital in Bhatwari or Uttarkashi. 

People use mules and donkeys in order to deliver ration and other essential commodities. This is also a difficult task, because carrying such heavy loads through damaged trail is risky. 

Sheep rearing in Pilang Village 

Years ago, Sheep rearing used to be the main occupation in Pilang village. Almost 60-70 families used to have hundred of sheep's and goats. But in recent only few families has few sheeps and goats. Still, animal husbandry is the main source of income in Pilang village. 

Difficulties in Pilang village 

> No motorable road (under construction since years) 

> No electricity 

> No internet facility 

> Having so many beautiful places, still no tourism 

> No proper education system and no hospitality

> Has taken no advantage of any Govt. Schemes

After effects : 

> if there will be motorable road in future, people of Pilang village would have many opportunities like, they could sell their milk and milk bi products at reasonable rates without any wastage. 

> students will have more future opportunity for their further studies . 

> people will be more aware of governmental schemes. 

> they could get medication at very fast rate without any wastage of time. 

>more opportunities of tourism. 

> income from tourism. 

> more homestays opportunities for residents of pilang village. 

> production of apples and other horticulture crops. 

> better and quality education facilities for students. 

> benefits of electricity. 

Purpose of this article : 

The purpose of this article is

>  to spread awareness and information about the beautiful yet remote village of Uttarakhand. 

> to showcase the difficulties that the residents of Pilang village are facing each single day. 

> to promote the trek routes and tourism here. 

> to aware the government about the difficulties and lifestyle of the residents. 

> to provide motorable roads, internet connectivity, schools, pharmacy centres and electricity. 

> to double up the income from agriculture and animal husbandry. 


Iam Rohit Panwar from Uttarakhand. Iam a freelancer and a trekker . Mail : rohitpan007@gmail.com

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